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The Novus Town Hall 1.12.22 Minutes

Writer's picture: The NovusThe Novus

The Novus

Town Hall

Meeting Attendees

1.City of Durham



4.General Public

Meeting Date: January 12, 2022

Meeting Minute below:

1. Scope of Work

a. Phase 1 Demo Super structure Above Gra de)

b. Phase 2 Demo (Below

2. Our Schedule Phase 1 (Estimated Dates and Subject to Change)

a. Demo Lower Canopy Week of 1 24 2022

b. Demo S kin (windows/precast pane ls) N Elevation Week of 1 31 2022

-Remove interior C&D (guts of

c. Demo Remaining Canopies Week of 2 07 2022

d. Demo Main Concrete Structure Week of 2 14 2022

e. Hauling C&D Off Site Throughout Week of 3 7 2022

3. Execution Plan During Demo Operations (Subject to Change once Major Construction Starts)

a. Dust : Building will be soaked with water to control dust ; streets cleaned along truck route, as required .

b. Vibration: Expected to be no impact. Pre and post construction surveys will be done and supported by vibration monitoring throughout demo.

c. Noise : Minimize vehicle re versing (not eliminating); following City of Durham noise ordinance supported by noise monitoring throughout demo .

d. Parking: On site or nearby parking garages.

e. Truck Route : Minimize traffic flow to Morris to Great Jones to high way to its destination for recycling or landfill.

f. Debris Removal : Hauling off construction debris will be done in two phases: 1. When the material is removed from the interior of the building; 2. When the structural concrete building is demolished to the ground.

g. Future Communications: URL for the SametSamet411 Site Coming Soon!

4. What to Expect After Demolition

a. Shoring for Below Grade Construction March 2022

b. Start of Foundations for Main Building April 2022

c. Start Building Construction June/July 2022

5. Logistics Plan (Living Document Subject to Change to Meet Construction Progress)

a. Morris Street Lane Closure Permit is approved. Lane will be closed throughout construction.

b. Construction deliveries will be done off Morris Street.

c. Access to the site is on all sides; however main deliveries are planned to be done off Morris and will utilize the lane closure protected by jersey barriers. North Great Jones will be utilized for concrete trucks and deliveries with off hour use of Main St r eet for large pours .

6. Logistics Plan (Living Document Subject to Change to Meet Construction Needs)

a. Morris Street Lane Closure Permit is approved. Lane will be closed throughout construction.

b. Construction deliveries will be done off Morris Street.

7. Questions

Gregg Hills [ ALP]: If Samet cause d dust to businesses, storefronts, will Samet clean the dust coat impacted by the demo?

Maria Houle [Samet] We will control the dust created by the demo operations by creating a water mist and blowing water on the work area , However we will address any issues we ca use by not controlling the dust. We will also inspect the roadways to ensure no debris in advertently encroached on road ways or truck route.

Gregg Hills [ ALP]: Is vibration a concern for surrounding businesses?

Maria Houle [Samet ]: Vibration will be measured by equipment, which will be monitored throughout construction. Pre and post demolition surveys have been done of the surrounding buildings. This two prong approach is more of an insurance policy. However, there should be no vibration impacts on the surrounding buildings due to the demo process

Gregg Hills [ ALP]: What time of the day will work start and when will work ends.

Gary Anderson [ Samet]: Construction Workdays are Monday through Saturday : 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (corrected by Maria L . Houle).

Maria Houle [ Samet]: Construction will follow City of Durham ordinances.

Sherry Debris [Durham Arts Council ]: Durham Arts Council did not receive a survey or inquiry regarding our building condition. The building was built in 1906 and is a registered historic site . We have some concerns about this and would like to follow up with your [Samet] team. Also, the façade of the building that faces the Project has a lot of glass and will require cleaning throughout construction.

Maria Houle [ Samet]: We did not do a face to face survey; however, we did a drone aerial survey of the roof tops , facades , roadways, sidewalks , etc. as well as a ground survey supported by photographs with the intent to establish a baseline survey of the neighborhood . We will follow up with Durham Arts Council to meet face to face to respond to any additional questions or concerns.

Question: Trucks backed up on Main Street?

Maria Houle [ We will not be staging trucks on Main Street; however, we may need to exit on to Main during major concrete pours , which will be coordinated with the City of Durham and planned as much as possible during non peak hours.

Jason Reyes:

What should I tell my staff to expect the most noise so that they can schedule their

meetings the week of 2 14 2022.

Maria Houle: It is hard to predict the impact of noise of your business operations. As we start the demolition, we ask that you stay in communication with us and provide feedback. Our construction operations full force, there will be ongoing construction activities underway. Please stay in communication with us , and if there is anything we can control, we will address it.

Question: Will the lane on Morris Street remain closed throughout construction Does this impact the bus stops ?

Maria Houle: We feel it is necessary to keep that lane closed not only for the safety of the public , but also for access to the construct ion. If we did not close the lane, it would create a bottleneck if we did not create a barrier between vehicles, access to the site, and ongoing traffic. We have the permitted lane closure approved and plan on closing the lane as soon as we can move the barriers. [corrected].

Question: Does this impact the bus stops?

Maria Houle [Samet]:

There are no bus stops on Morris Street, so no imp acts to the bus stops along

Morris Street. There is a bus stop along Main that will be impacted. [corrected].

Question: Will trash can s be placed throughout the site to manage the debris created by the food trucks/lunch for workers ?

Maria Houle [Samet]:

We will create a break area for the workers with trash bins and cleanup behind the

workers. We want the workers to have a safe area to take a break and have lunch to enjoy the fruits of their labor. We have not vetted out the concept of a food truck . We wan t to support the local business as we are in the neighborhood and can generate some revenue for the business. We just need to work through the plan on how that works.

Gregg Hills [ALP]:

Where do you expect the Workers t o park?

Maria Houle [Samet]: We plan on giving the workers resources to have alternate measures for parking, such as monthly rental on spaces at nearby parking garages, encouraging carpooling , etc. There will be a high volume of workers throughout construction. It will be a topic that we will need to continue to discuss and manage throughout construction .

Question: If food trucks are utilized, where would they park?

Maria Houle [Samet]: They would pull into the construction site.

[end of minutes]

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